This is the sample of contributor page profile. You can set a photo here, and your main web or blog link. You must inform your nick name and a brief about you.
A profesional photo editor.
Under this section I will list your articles that had published in this blog.
My Articles:
- How to be a great painter
- Why cross stitch
- etc ....
Term of Service
- The admin, namely Thomas Gallery, have the full right to publish or unpublish your articles
- The admin have the full right to edit and delete the articles
- The articles must be about cross stitch, craft, painting, or general arts
- The articles must be clear of pornographic, hate, and violent contents
- Besides the articles, we will publish your original painting, skets, graphic arts, and the photos of your finished cross stitch
- Nopayment for all kind of contributions
- Send your photos, infos, articles, and pictures to
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